I LOVE breakfast.
Growing up I had poached eggs on english muffins as much as possible.
But its starting to get a little boring so this morning I decided to see what I had in the fridge and spice up my usual meal. It's super tasty!
I made poached eggs on english muffins, but the muffins have hummus, muenster, tomato and Sriracha.
A lot of people have trouble poaching eggs. I've been doing it since I was a kid so I rarely break yolks but I'll tell you a few tips. It's amazing how hard it is to find a decent egg poaching technique online. A lot of people suggest using vinegar but I've never used it (I don't want to sacrifice taste).
Poaching Eggs
Use a pan about 3inches deep and fill it with about 2inches of water. Sprinkle a pinch of salt and olive oil into the water. Allow to come to a boil. take heat down slightly so that it's more of a simmer then a rolling boil. Crack eggs into pan (some people like to crack it into a bowl first to avoid breaking the yolk or getting shells). I just pop it right in but either is fine.
With a slotted spoon (after about 30secs) gently wiggle under the yolk to avoid sticking.
You might want to swirl the egg white towards the yolk so that it holds together better (what people usually use vinegar for)
Eggs should take 2-4 min depending on how runny you like them.
While your water is coming to a boil toast your english muffin to your liking.
Spread Red Pepper hummus on muffin, a slice of tomato and a slice of muenster cheese.
When eggs are finished use slotted spoon to remove from water. Allow water to drip before putting on muffin.
Top with Sriracha salt and pepper.
I would normally add bacon or potatoes but I didn't have any at the moment.
But these sure were yummy!